Pre-registered kids are assigned to boat/pontoons for tomorrow's fishing derby.
Check-in 8-8:30 a.m. to get on the water as soon as possible to begin fishing! Lunch and fish weighing, 12-1 p.m. Kids may weigh the biggest fish they catch of different species (legal bass, perch, crappie, sunfish, rock bass, or maybe even a northern!?) Cake, door prizes, program, and trophies after lunch. BRING SUNSCREEN AND WATER! Thank you to everyone who pre-registered! We are now planning for the day and coordinating boats, fishing guides, pontoons, and drivers to ensure kids have a great day fishing on the lake. Time to Register!Watch for more information here and on Facebook leading up to the June 11, 2016, fishing day!
For now, please PRE-REGISTER your kids so we can plan spaces for them in boats or on pontoons. If you are interested in providing a pontoon on Deer Lake or being a driver or fishing guide, please let us know! Volunteers are needed for site set-up, transportation of equipment, food preparation, and more! A sincere thanks goes out to all who, through the years, have made this a very special day for kids. The goal is to take kids fishing who might not have the opportunity to experience this outdoor activity. Thank you, everyone, for what you give in time, talents, and donations to "Keep Kids Fishin'!" This is a free event for kids, co-sponsored by friends and family of Neil McKenzie and the Polk County Sportsmen's Club. Special thanks to The New Lagoon Campground and Condominium Association for providing the site on which the event is held each year. We look forward to another fun day for kids! If we didn't say "thank you" enough to everyone who, before-during-and-after the event, helped to make this another great day for the kids... Thank you! Sincerely, "THANK YOU!!" Even among the volunteers there are stories... life events or influences that drive you to help others and to make a difference in kids' lives. You are so very much appreciated!
Thanks to everyone who pre-registered! We have assigned kids to boats/pontoons, planned for food, and put in a special request for nice weather... did we forget anything?!?
If YOUR plans have changed and you now know you cannot attend this year's fishing derby, please let us know as soon as possible; otherwise, we look forward to seeing you on Saturday! Remember your fishing licenses! Wisconsin is a great state to fish! Kids 15 and under fish free every day, so do anglers born before 1927 and active duty military on furlough or leave who are Wisconsin residents. For everybody else, a variety of license options can get you out on the water quickly, easily and at a bargain price including one-day licenses or first-time licenses, etc. For more information, visit the DNR website: Thanks to all who have registered for this year's fishing derby! We are now busy assigning fisher-kids to boats and pontoons. When you arrive at The Lagoon on Saturday morning, check in, grab your gear, get matched up with your boat/pontoon driver, and go fishing!
Register your kids today to help us plan for another successful day on the water! (Registrations after today will be placed on a waiting list for space in a fishing boat or on a pontoon.) Thank you for doing what you can to "Keep Kids Fishin'!"
Register online today OR print/mail the registration form by clicking on the tabs above.
Help us to plan another fun day for our kids by registering them early. Thanks! Please call Joyce, 715-646-2060, if you want to help in any of these specific ways: